Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom

Every Canadian should be familiar with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom.

Fundamental freedoms – section 2

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

  1. a) freedom of conscience and religion;
  2. b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
  3. c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
  4. d) freedom of association.

For the last three years we have seen the erosion of our basic rights. There are now fines in other Provinces for supporting your beliefs and conveying your thoughts. Basically thought police. We have always had the freedom of peaceful assembly, but in 2022 the largest peaceful protest ended with police violence. This can never happen again.

For many Freedom has been on trial. Canadian governments were quick to respond to the Covid-19 virus by aggressively withdrawing the rights and freedoms of Canadians. They imposed lockdowns which included the closing of many businesses, schools, and places of worship. Ministers of Churches were arrested. And then the vaccine mandates that governments believed were justified which led to the firing our indefinite layoffs of employees from all walks of life. Now the mandates are being withdrawn, many employees including those working for the city, are now taking them to court. In the City of Windsor, Ontario 104 employees were fired for refusing to get vaccinated or disclose their status. Following a grace period, 84 workers were officially dismissed, the city said. According to a CBC article:

Some of those asked to return to work are still part of an ongoing lawsuit against the City of Windsor. In August, 20 then laid-off workers joined together to sue the city for breaching their constitutional rights after they were fired for not claiming their vaccine status. 

Since then, more workers have joined the case, bringing the total number of employees part of the lawsuit to 30. 

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